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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Yeah Im about to go out and recheck all my connections. And yes Im a bit crazy...This sucker is a beast with this setup bra and still light. With the cortex on it has pin point accuracy at any orientation and speed. A true pleasure to fly.
  2. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    So I just had some weird thing happen. Took off with first flight of the day and was motoring around about half throttle and all the sudden the motor stopped and I couldn't get it to spin back up. So I landed and checked my packs and still had about 80% on both packs. I plugged it back in and...
  3. Bushwacker

    Redwing 30cc Extra 300SC Electric Motor Choice?

    Yeah man I have been looking at that motor too, I like it. Also looking and wondering about the Q60-7M F3A only I have never heard anyone speak of it.
  4. Bushwacker

    Redwing 30cc Extra 300SC Electric Motor Choice?

    Hey fellas, I will be starting a new build on this bird and would like to get some advice or ideas on motor selection. This will be an electric motor and as always I want to go above what is considered normal as far as power goes. Would like to keep it as light as I can, but still have brutal...
  5. Bushwacker

    48" Extra 330 EPP

    I know I know I just couldn't help myself.
  6. Bushwacker

    48" Extra 330 EPP

    Meh I changed my mind and went with this one. :thumbup::thumbup:
  7. Bushwacker

    48" Extra 330 EPP

    Hey fella's how do you think this little guy would perform with these components and I only ask because I've never had this kind of foamy balsa type bird in fact this would be only the second foamy I've ever had. EF Torque 2814/820 Airboss 45A Esc 4S 2700mAh LiPo battery Hitec HS 5070/5065 servos
  8. Bushwacker

    RedwingRC 50cc 330sc Build Log!

    Well I was talking about the electric plane he was flying. Ah well I would bet money he was running a Hacker Q80 with a CC Edge HV 160.
  9. Bushwacker

    RedwingRC 50cc 330sc Build Log!

    Very cool dude. I wanted to be there so bad, just could not get away from work. I really wanted to see that bird up close and watch it fly. I bet it looks even better in person than it does from the web pics doesn't it. Hey RedwingRC can you guys not tell me what Joe was using for hardware in...
  10. Bushwacker

    RedwingRC 50cc 330sc Build Log!

    RedwingRC can you please tell me what motor esc combo Joe was flying in this 50cc plane. BTW 3DMIKE Ken is working on a 4000 watt motor that should end up about 28 oz for planes in the 11 to 13 lbs, 74" to 78" range. I think this would be a killer setup for the 30cc version of this plane. I...
  11. Bushwacker

    RedwingRC 50cc 330sc Build Log!

    Awesome information bud thanks for that. I just need to figure out two things. Get the 50cc or get the 30cc plane and which motor to run on each a Hacker Q80 8M or maybe a Rimfire 50cc on the 50 and do A60 for the 30. Want to chime in with some thoughts on this one?
  12. Bushwacker

    RedwingRC 50cc 330sc Build Log!

    Hey 3DMIKE are those wheel pants and gear cuffs plastic? If so are they pretty durable, or will they crack or break in taller grass fairly easily? Do you think Hitec HS7954 servos would perform well with this bird Im actually thinking I would like to go with Savox on this one.
  13. Bushwacker

    Help With Motor Timing and Poor Throttle Response (Gecko 120HV)

    Yeah man kinda gota have that. Only way would be to overnight it chiching $$$$$ Unless you know someone???
  14. Bushwacker

    Help With Motor Timing and Poor Throttle Response (Gecko 120HV)

    Read back up the thread. Yes it works. Dont know if there is a newer file than the one I got. I tend to not fix it if it works... :)
  15. Bushwacker

    RedwingRC 50cc 330sc Build Log!

    What an excellent job you did on this one brother. Absolutely beautiful. Congratz on the event and everything you did Mike. Wished I could of been there man.
  16. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Kinda reminds me of when St Helens went up. Remember that one... Only it looked like it was snowing when the ash started coming down.
  17. Bushwacker

    Problem with 30cc Sbach sugestions please

    Do you have the voltage set correctly for you servos? Those should be set to either 4.8v or 6.0 the latter giving the 133 oz-in. Even if your servos were under powered, which I think they are for that size plane. I don't think they would do what you described. Didn't you say it only does this...
  18. Bushwacker

    Problem with 30cc Sbach sugestions please

    What exactly is the hardware your running on this bird. Servos ESC RX/TX Batteries How long and what gage are the wires from connect to connect. Have you tested any of the above items? I only ask because some of these guys may know of issues with certain products.
  19. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    @Express Dude when did you get that Pilot? Looks like a pretty sweet machine. Whatcha running in it?