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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    I know I know. I was wondering when someone was going to go there. :p
  2. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Oh how very cool that is. Thanks so much for sharing that little tid bit. Aren't the wheel pants usually made for like 60" to 80" and 80" to 100" or something like that, you get what I mean right? Plus I really like the C-Clip thing those guys were using. I hate the collar and set-screw deal. I...
  3. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Well now that all depends bud. If you have busted your wheel pants like I did than no we don't. :) On the other hand if you still have the wheel pants it will be a matter of will they fit or not, kinda sounding like you may have already checked that part out didn't ya. Wonder if we could call...
  4. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    3dNater Im with ya man and don't thinks it's hillbilly at all. For me, I don't have the most graceful of landings sometimes and have busted 2 plastic wheels in the process. So I want something a bit more durable. Bloosee Im really liking those Medium SkyLite Wheels with Aluminum Hubs and looks...
  5. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Oh man those are freaking awesome. Thanks Nater.
  6. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Seen his work and it is great work. I was just throwing another option out there is all. Hey man if you don't me to or don't allow that then I won't and apologize for any misconduct on my part.
  7. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Well fellas I had a chat with my buddy Frank and he said he wouldn't mind making extra's. When I asked how much he said for just some straight rounds with threads on each side $10 a set, $15 if they want the cut the same way as the one's he did for me, or if you have an idea of your own custom...
  8. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Yeah man I have seen that site. Was going to order from him, but first checked with my friend Frank and he said he had some left over titanium round stock. Cost me a beer. So ever since if I need a custom part I go to him first. I have this idea of a sliding battery tray that will move backwards...
  9. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Oh man I wish I had my own. I have a friend that does this for me bud. He's been doing machine work for about 40+ years.
  10. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Hey man I spoke too soon, I will be shaving off a bit more. Im such a dumbass, I forgot to account for the backplate. So once I get it here and mount it I will get you the correct measurements, sorry bro. Although if you are going to stick with the wood I suppose it wont matter.
  11. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Bloosee Here you go my friend. 7/8" about 1/16" shorter than the stock wood stand off's.
  12. Bushwacker

    Perfered RX from Spectrum

    Copy and paste bro. Don't think you'll have to worry about filling up the net just yet. :)
  13. Bushwacker

    esc for 70" extra

    I would give you a vid of it flying, but I have to get some new wheels and an axle for it. However here's this for some proof. My son was a bit scared of it, so he went slow. I should do another one. BooYa! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZawFUSa0oxE
  14. Bushwacker

    3DHS and Extreme Flight Merger?

    Seems logical and makes sense to me as well Dog...Im just going off what he said in the vid bra.
  15. Bushwacker

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    Hi Dave and welcome. You picked the most excellent site to come to bro and yes please post up some pics/vids of that Laser.
  16. Bushwacker

    Perfered RX from Spectrum

    Oh man this is some good stuff right here. Way too funny. SnowDog is right though, gotta be a way. The chair thing is a good idea and or depending on where you fly and if you have a truck or not, you could just sit on the tailgate.
  17. Bushwacker

    3DHS and Extreme Flight Merger?

    Oh you da man vegasking thanks brother. At least we have a little better understanding of whats going on.
  18. Bushwacker

    3DHS and Extreme Flight Merger?

    Dang it Dang it Dang it... :(
  19. Bushwacker

    3DHS and Extreme Flight Merger?

    Okay let me get this straight. The plane will be covered with one piece right? Right... and yes there will be mulit colors to deal with. Why couldn't you still cut out a small bad section and iron on a new one, how else would you do a repair right? So if they just sent a small square of each...
  20. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide

    Oh ya man. This thing is almost the same size as the 850MX Dominator in my 700 sized Heli.