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  1. Bushwacker

    Electric Fuel can Set up build

    Pretty clever, I like it. Love posts like this, gives me ideas for future projects.
  2. Bushwacker

    Sport Plane

    Man thats pretty awesome. Carnage and lots of fun. Thanx for the post dude.
  3. Bushwacker

    Sport Plane

    kewl look forward to the vid's.
  4. Bushwacker

    Sport Plane

    So my son and I got to looking around last night and we came up something a little different. We liked the delta wing @Patto and his son fly, but we decided to go with a more fighter plane looking. We found some pretty cheap planes on HobbyKing and close to home we have a few shops that carry...
  5. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Stinking UPS came today and picked up the plane. Was hoping they wouldn't have, would liked to have worked on it. Think it would of gave me some good practice at repair work. Oh well, the new one will be here next Tuesday.
  6. Bushwacker

    Sport Plane

    Big thank you to both of ya. Those wings look pretty cool and fairly durable.