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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    Which of all the 50cc is most stable

    So would you say more so over the Extra. Or would the extra be considered a more specific airframe for 3d. You know what Im trying to say right.
  2. Bushwacker

    Which of all the 50cc is most stable

    As the title says. I am looking for opinions on what you think is the most stable or best behaved plane in the 50cc size is in the Redwing fleet. Something you would recommend to a newer pilot.
  3. Bushwacker

    New Here? Introduce yourself!

    John Hendry welcome to the boards, hope you find what your looking for here. After reading every bit of your intro, I have just one question... WHY MAN WHY Would you write that. :veryshocked: After the second paragraph I seemed to make it my mission to read the whole thing. Kinda cool in a...
  4. Bushwacker

    Help With Motor Timing and Poor Throttle Response (Gecko 120HV)

    Im running the same motor, but my esc is the 125A Run it on 6S 65C 4500 Thor w/Xoar 17x10 prop and the new firmware fixed it all. At least on the bench. No more knock when I bump the throttle hard. Don't have anything to measure watts/volts or anything, but this motor seems to have a crap load...
  5. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Ah Ha okay here's what I got. Plane leveled out. Aileron: Low Rate 20 deg up/down Mid rate 30 up/down High rate 40 up/down 45 Elevator: Low Rate 20 up/down Mid Rate 42 up/down 40 High Rate 55 plus up/down Rudder: Low Rate 35 <-- --> Mid Rate 45 <-- --> High Rate 49 <-- --> Does this help...
  6. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Well lets see here. I did get a pm from Bob, but I think he's been pretty busy. Setup is: Low Rates... DR/Expo Aileron 40-50 Elevator 35-50 Rudder 70-75 on a single switch "F Mode" Mid Rates... Aileron 65-70 Elevator 70-70 Rudder 90-75. High Rates... Aileron 90-80 Elevator 100-80 Rudder 100-85...
  7. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    So I have it all done and ready for flight, however I find myself to chickenSh*t to actually do it. Wish one of you guys lived close by so you could at least check it out and tell me if it's set right for flight. I really don't want a repeat of my first maiden.
  8. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 60cc Extra 330sc

    Will it be available in electric or is it gas only?
  9. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 60cc Extra 330sc

    This is a case where no news is bad news... We needs da info guys! Plz :)
  10. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 60cc Extra 330sc

    Any news on this plane yet? I have been trying to decide between this plane the Redwing 50 CC Extra 330 and the 3DHS 103" Extra 330SC It is very difficult reading up on so many different opinions and articles.
  11. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Yes it will be some time if ever I would need that much rudder the way I fly or ever as we have seen...LMAO! and I did lower my rates even more. Normal mode DR/Expo on Rud is 60/75 The image below looks pretty much the same as yours. Did you use the arms that came with your servos?
  12. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Your right I measure from center hole of servo arm where the output shaft goes to the last hole on the arm. I just did a dry fit. Meaning I didn't crimp the wires down and it looks like I will get about 50 degrees both ways. So it looks like the longer of the two is the one I need.
  13. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Hey Guy's, Which servo arm did you wind up using on the pull pull system? These Hitec HS7954SH servos came with 2 sizes. The larger is about 32mm and the shorter one is about 26mm. Measured from center mounting hole to center of outer most hole on the arm. I only ask in hopes of taking some...
  14. Bushwacker

    70" 24% Slick Pro Electric 3D Aerobatic ARF RC Airplane Black/Yellow

    Yeah man you guy's are really puttin out the good stuff. Im still all jazzed up about the 93" Extra 330SC.
  15. Bushwacker

    Custom Made Servo Wires and wiring

    Sorry I didn't reply sooner. I would love to post some pics, but I dumped my plane. As you know I had to order another one. Once I put this one back together I will post some up. For now I can post up what you get when you buy it.
  16. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Finally got my airframe back from 3dhs and this time UPS didn't munch it. This one is perfect or as close to as you can get. Hardly even a wrinkle or bubble on it. The Fit & Finish is awesome. So now I just need to put her back together and NOT CRASH this one. Many thanks to 3DHS for a no...
  17. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Well I guess I will just have to try it both way's and see. Thank you for the feedback. :)
  18. Bushwacker

    65" Vyper Discussion Thread

    Okay fella's when I look at the setups on all these planes here I notice almost everyone runs the pull pull system. I understand the weight issue of running the servo at the tail, but is there any other reason to not go with the push pull? Is pull pull a better setup? The reason I went with the...
  19. Bushwacker

    Extreme Flight EXP Servo Thread (60" EXP's): Poll!!!

    Hey what about the Hitec HS-7954SH servos? Anyone run these, only ask because I have not.
  20. Bushwacker

    3D Hobbyshop 106" Edge 540

    Like that color scheme, nice and clean.