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Search results

  1. Bushwacker

    48" and 78" Extra 300

    Yeah way too far for this boy. I would like to get something going close to home.
  2. Bushwacker

    3DHS 72" Extra - Motrolfly 4330-206kv on 12S

    And how did do @ 3300 Watts?
  3. Bushwacker

    Extreme Flight 91" Extra EXP Build Log

    Yep Yep nicely done.
  4. Bushwacker

    Aerobeez 88" 30% Scale MXS-R 50cc

    +1 what 3dNater said... Awesome looking plane and awesome job putting it together. Hey guy's whats the story on these MXS's. How do they compare to the Extra's, Edges, Slick's, Yak's and so on. I love the looks of them. Really like the nose, looks kinda mean. So as far as flying do they compare...
  5. Bushwacker

    Extreme Flight 91" Extra EXP Build Log

    Well Biper my boy it looks amazing and sounds badass brother. Congrats on the maiden...That bad boy looked like it really floats with little effort. Loved how slow you brought it in for the landing. Are you going to throw some gfx on it? Awesome plane man happy for ya dude.
  6. Bushwacker

    Extreme Flight 91" Extra EXP Build Log

    Should be a good day for it weather wise. Supposed to be nice and sunny AND warm. Good luck my friend.
  7. Bushwacker

    Extreme Flight 91" Extra EXP Build Log

    Jeez really took your time putting that bird together didn't ya. Just Kidding bro. Very nicely done, looks great. Hope you post up some flying vid.
  8. Bushwacker

    48" and 78" Extra 300

    Well we need to figure out the geolocation of everyone that wants to go then our flying needs and pick date. Would be a lot of fun...IMO PNW?
  9. Bushwacker

    48" and 78" Extra 300

    Suds WoW man we are kinda on the same page so far for setup options. I have heard a lot of good things about those servos. What ESC are you running with the Motrolfly?
  10. Bushwacker

    SupaTim builds an AEROBEEZ 93″ Extra 330!

    Make sure you hit Canon Beach on your way down the coast line.
  11. Bushwacker

    Cool Power Supply

    +1 on that. What Im currently running and have been for a couple years now is the Revo 24 VDC 55A, 1320W Power Station - CellPro PL8 V2 with a MPA Board Works pretty well. So far "knock on wood" not one issue, been rock solid.
  12. Bushwacker

    48" Extra 300 EXP

    Xpress I am using Spektrum w/Hitec HS5070MH servo's and the little wire they sent me worked. All is well now and this little bugger runs like a raped ape now. I wasn't sure it would because your not supposed to use any amplified wires with spektrum gear.
  13. Bushwacker

    Cool Power Supply

    Ran accross this Power Supply and I must say it looks pretty dang good. Would work well with my FMA PowerLab 8's anyone here running this. If so how you like it? Good bad or otherwise? The price isn't terrible either.
  14. Bushwacker

    48" and 78" Extra 300

    Electric bud. Where I live it works best for me. Thinking about going with a Motrolfly Motor and ZTW Gecko Series ESC. Thing is I want this one to have insane power. So I will have to do some research on power setup. 10S or 12S and what props to use, one for mass torque and one for high speed...
  15. Bushwacker

    SupaTim builds an AEROBEEZ 93″ Extra 330!

    Is it together yet or WHAT!!!!!!!!! Come on Tim we gots to know man... Needs da info Bro... DUDEMAN....:needpics:
  16. Bushwacker

    48" and 78" Extra 300

    Ah well thats about 400 miles from me. :(
  17. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Ouchy man sorry to hear that. Good luck with the house thing, thats never fun.
  18. Bushwacker

    The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-

    Pretty dang slow on 3DRC lately isn't? Everyone must be out flying...
  19. Bushwacker

    48" and 78" Extra 300

    So hey man where you living?