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103" Extra 330SC Building, Flying, and Questions


70cc twin V2
Looks good.
Just my 2 cents, but I'd be a bit concerned on how the tanks are strapped in. A tank full of gas or oil
weights a lot and tend to want to move around.

Thanks everyone, just trying to hang with the big dawgs!!! Good looking out too Jim. Under the tanks are 2"x 4" velcro strips for each tank to the floor. They servo a dual purpose as in insulator against vibration and won't allow tanks to slide forwards/back or side to side. The zip ties are just an additional formality. Used to just strap tanks down to foam beds and only took me having one slide out to start doing it this way. These babies aren't going anywhere... :)
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Joe's Dad

70cc twin V2
Thanks everyone, just trying to hang with the big dawgs!!! Good looking out too Jim. Under the tanks are 2"x 4" velcro strips for each tank to the floor. They servo a dual purpose as in insulator against vibration and won't allow tanks to slide forwards/back or side to side. The zip ties are just an additional formality. Used to just strap tanks down to foam beds and only took me having one slide out to start doing it this way. These babies aren't going anywhere... :)
Very good. And excellent solution.


Any updates? Keep the pics coming! :)

Oh hey, Anyone have a picture of their push pull setup on this plane?


Also, I'm curious if I should vent out underneath the cowl for my canisters? My pro flows are fully contained inside the cowl.


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70cc twin V2
I would vent for sure, the last thing you want to do is have your cowl pressurize in the air. Trace the angled slits from 1 of the removable plates underneath then grab your trusty dremel and get to work...
Headed to the field to sneak in a few last flights on stock mufflers before I follow your lead and bolt on my Pro flows. I'll snap a few pictures of my rudder setup if it helps, I'm running dual rudder servos and love it!



Thanks for the info....I'll trace that removable plate up and get cuttin!

Pics would be suhweet....thanks for taking time to do it and good luck flying today you lucky!


I had pro-flows on my 103 extra. I just vented the openings in the bottom of the fuse. It worked very well for me.


70cc twin V2
Here you go! Let me know if you need anything closer or particular.


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