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Scale 112” - Taylorcraft by HeyLuc & Snoopy.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well not much to show and no picture, but been hard at work on the fuselage to reduce the weight. Spent a couple of days with a high speed hand grinder trimming weight of the fuselage. Managed to remove 4.2 oz. Does not sound like a lot but it took a lot work. What I have learnt many years ago racing is to keep removing weight no matter little it is but just keep working at. At the end you will be surprised how much weight you end up removing.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well made a start on The windshield. Started with paper first then made a second pattern from cardboard. Getting close. Still not sure if I am going to make a ledge on the inside and lay the windshield on the ledge or on top of the fuselage. What do you gentlemen think.
I think I found a company that can order the material for me, he will let me know in a couple days.



Looks like you are in a shirt factory!
Not sure I understand the ledge, are you talking about grooving the sheeting?


Piper simply calls it windshield attachment strip. I made it by laying fiberglass in the area and final sanded to shape.
On the Balsa USA Super Cub, the attachment strip is formed into the windshield plastic, nice touch.




  • windshield strip.pdf
    82.3 KB · Views: 1,477


640cc Uber Pimp
Well been postponing this job for ever, I always try to do it as late as possible. But it was time. It is in and checked several times by eye and Laser and it is in square and level. Now it just has to cure. Only one big job left to do is the windshield and that is one thing I have never done and not looking forward to it.



640cc Uber Pimp
Just received some radio stuff from JR- Deeforce. Battery back up system, 10 Jr servo arms and to 2K XBus servos that can be matched on there own.. still waiting for the receiver/power unit, with 2 receivers built in and two satellite receivers. Something new so I thought why not try one. Do not know how much info everyone is interested in the JR installation of XBus and servo matching.


640cc Uber Pimp
Fin and stabilizer are in and are square and straight to the fuselage. Just have to cleanup and finish of the fin connection to the fuselage to make look good. Will add the wiring tube from the cockpit to the tail.
Hopefully the person that said he can get me the windshield material calls me back soon. I have to do that next before I can continue with the rest of the stuff.