Well I just couldn't resist. Just too nice a plane not to own one, and been wanting one for a long time. Picked up a 42% Extra 300SP last week.

Got a great deal on it from a friend and it's nearly brand new, so couldn't resist. I do need a new canopy tho as it's shrunk quite a bit and has a crack, new wheel pants, and some of the control horn hardware is broken & some missing, so I'll have to get in touch with Herve at some point. Ken (from PAU) was the one to totally push me over the edge into getting one when we hung out together at the last huckfest. Thanks Ken!
So excited! This is my first 40%+ plane and will be my IMAC ship for next season. Already have most of the gear for it and a 3W 157CS on cans mounted. Still debating if it's worth swapping over to a GP 176EVO though. I doubt this bird needs all that juice as it's a pretty lightweight plane & setup, but more power is always more fun imo, especially at my high altitude. Decisions, decisions!