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150-200cc Extra 300SP

The picture is as good as it gets but you can see a gap.


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Oh please don't take some of these post as bitching. Maybe I'm use to FG but I really am not. There are pros and some cons to this airplane but I am really excited to get it flying. I love my H9 Sukhoi and would like to get a Yak 54 also but I still love extras. The 2 place canopy of the 300 I really like but this SP has me turned on right now.
I hate to say this but the stainless screws do not work on the ailerons. Unless I'm missing something they are to short. The standard metal screw are longer. So Herve if you watchin let me know if you had a different method in mind or longer screws are needed. The picture is the middle servo horn. The inboard just barely makes it past the lock nut.


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GSN Sponsor Tier 1
If there is a problem with the hardware, we replace the defective parts. The plane that won the XFC last week used 100% stock hardware, with the exception of the fuel and smoke tanks (these were made from water bottles).
The Dubro ball links work fine: I have tried it myself to experiment. However, if you decide to go that route, you need to CA the gold clevis into place so it doesn't rotate, or/and lock it into place with a counter nut.
The aileron bolts: on my personal plane, the inner clevis is screwed all the way down against the cone post, and the bolt is flush. These are 70mm Steel (not stainless) bolts, which has never been an issue. The 60mm bolts (too short the larger planes) come from the factory with the sets, and are used "as is" in the 50cc planes.
As you move toward the wing tip, the clevis is father up from the cone post, preserving the equal distance from the hinge line as the aileron gets thinner.
Well everything is on hold now. Got a call from our realtor,have a house showing tomorrow so had to pack everything up in the trailer and take the trailer to storage. Selling a house can be a pain but it gets the wife and I closer to our goal.


70cc twin V2
Yesterday at work I had to leave because one of the ambulances was having some issues. When I got back I seen a lovely surprise waiting for me. 2 large box's with my name on it with PAU's shipper name. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaa. I first unboxed the wings. Everything looked good. But that was short lived. I noticed a hole in the bottom of the large box. Not good. I remover all components for inspection. Everything was fine except the fuse. The tail was heavily damaged. Called Herve right away. I received a txt from him later that day saying he had a replacement shipped out. Thanks Herve for the fast shipping.


Congrats on the new plane, though! I'm sure Herve will have ya fixed up in no time!



Congrats on the new plane, though! I'm sure Herve will have ya fixed up in no time!


Yea he was right on it. Sounds like it was picked up by the shipper on friday. Should see it early this week. Can't wait to get the fuse loaded up with the goodies. My goal is to maiden this weekend.
Well I received my fuse today. It came much faster than expected but very happy. And it is in good condition from what I can see. Herve must have worked some magic. For those using pipes or cans in this bird, what are you doing for sealing up the pipe tunnel. I thought of using 1/16 balsa or even just Ultracote. Just looking for ideas and even pictures.