70cc twin V2
nebwake;5317 wrote: I was thinking about swapping HP Ultra (easy to get in lincoln at the hardware stores) for Redline. The HP ultra does leave some black oil residue on my planes, but Im not really sure what the ratio is and im too lazy to calculate it. I dump a "makes 2.5 gallons" into a 2 gallon can I have that holds 2.2 gallons. so it probably ends up about 32:1 ish.
Your ratio is probably 45:1
I also was going to switch to Redline oil.
I even bought a gallon, but I then inspected the inside of one of my DA-170's that I have been running Stihl HP Ultra in.
This was a year worth of running ( not sure how many gallons ).
From what I have also heard from some engine / oil guys is that the Stihl HP Ultra actually protects a little better at higher temps then Redline.
But the Redline maybe a tad cleaner.
I like the idea of if the enhine gets hot, i may have some better protection, so I decided to stay with the Stihl HP Ultra.
The only thing I may change is my ratio.
I've been running 50:1, but may go to 40:1
I'm happy with the way the engines run and the way they look inside.



