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Sport 30% Edge 540 Pete Marshall Plans with Laser Cut Short Kit


70cc twin V2
So did my first little mess up. Easy fix, though. I glued all 4 sides onto the f-5 former when I had already glued the sides onto the side frames. I just took the sides off of the f-5 former so it will slide right into place now. First pic is of the screw up. The last 2 pics are the tank floor glued into position.


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70cc twin V2
Last work for tonight. Put some triangle stock in the motor box area and epoxied the wing tube plate doublers together.


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70cc twin V2
I put in the wing tube doublers into the frame. Then added the back side wing dowl holders.

I am contemplating the best way to glue the fuse sides to the f-1 and f-2 formers. I've had it together about 4 times now trying to think of the best way.


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Damn I'm hungry
Have you got a wing tube guide or wing tube to hold the halves in place while you align F-1 and F-2 and fuse sides for glue?
The wingspan is 88".

The cowl dimensions should be:
9 1/2" tall
10 7/8" firewall to front
9 3/4" wide

I haven't looked for a cowl yet to know where to get it from. If anyone wants to measure their 50cc Edge cowls from their ARFs for me and tell me what their dimensions are, I would appreciate it greatly!
Thanks for your help.


Damn I'm hungry
I have the wing tube. I don't have the phenolic socket for it yet. I do have the f-5 former to hold it in place?

I would get the phenolic and F-5 former and insert the wing tube so I could check for perpendicular as the glue sets. You can also check parallel of fuse sides and any uneven moments at the tips of the wing tube. This way you know your wings will mount true to datum.