Having flown this plane for a month, I can make a few more observations to help anyone else to decide to build this plane.
Since I did 4 bolts to hold the wings on instead of 2 and 2 dowels, I should have reinforced the trailing end of the W1 rib. One side cracked due to stress and I have since reinforced with a couple coats of 30 minute epoxy inside the wing. I have flown it 2 differerent times now with no issues with the reinforcement.
With the 3 servos in the tail, it is absolutely neutral in a 45 degree inverted up line (more tail heavy than it should be) with the DA-50 up front. I don't want to add weight to the nose since the engine is just barely able to pull out of a hover. I may get a DA-70 to fix the power and CG issues.
For really good 3D flying, the elevators need to be reshaped on the inboard side. The way it is designed, the rudder will hit the elevators well before the required throws for awesome 3D flight.
This plane has very good flight characteristics overall as you could see on the maiden flight. It knife edges well with very little coupling. I am by no means a great pilot, but can hover it no problem, pop tops are doable but would be better with a 70 up front, and it knife edge spins very well.
It is now my favorite plane to take to the field and am figuring out what will be the next big build... 100cc or 150cc possible biplane?