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Sport 30% Edge 540 Pete Marshall Plans with Laser Cut Short Kit


70cc twin V2
Received my DA-50 in the mail today. I promptly took it directly to DA and had them run it. It worked perfectly. Glad to know that having bought it used. While they were setting it up and running it, one of the gentlemen gave me a tour of their shop. Very nice operation and a bunch of good people there!! I don't think I could buy any other type of engine now!

I am trying to get the motor box and formers set up properly before glueing it together. Most of the pieces have warped. What is the best way to get the pieces back in shape before glueing them together? I have them all currently flat with weights on them. What else should I do to get them back into shape?


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Staff member
I would try lightly misting the parts with water. Then set the weights on them and let them dry flat. With any luck they will stay flat after they dry.


Staff member
Keep us posted. If a little mist of water doesn't do the job, might have to dampen it a bit more and try again. Good luck!


70cc twin V2
Well, after a light wetting and weights, they are still warped. They are slightly better, but I just wet them again with a little more water, then brought out more weight for the pieces as well. I will check them again tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to glue it together soon...


70cc twin V2
If that doesn't do it, you need to add heat. The steam breaks the bonds in the wood at the cellular level. Soak the pieces well, hit them with enough heat to steam off the moisture, then put the weights on them on a flat surface. You can also put a wet towel on them and use a clothes iron to get them steamed well, then add the weight. I use this steam technique all the time with boat building and bending hardwoods, only using clamps to shape them to the frame instead of flattening them. Once the wood dries and cools down, it will be like it never happened, you don't lose any strength.


Yeah I was gonna say heat as well. Hope it all straightens out for you. Where you abLE to get the plans reprinted. I'm still waiting on our printer at work to get fixed as I have a couple sets of plans I want printed up but alas I have to wait.


70cc twin V2
I just checked the pieces to hit them with heat, but the extra weight and water straightened them right out it looks like. I will leave them until tomorrow anyway now but won't hit em with the heat.

As for the plans, my father-in-law was able to get them printed for me. Everything should be full steam ahead for a while now.


70cc twin V2
More progress. Pinned the two main stringers to the plans. Then cut the perpendicular pieces in sets of two to save time on the 2nd half. Nothing is glued yet. I should get there tomorrow.


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