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3D 30cc hazzbro extra


70cc twin V2
I'm having a little trouble covering second wing. On an open wing structure I am getting bunch up at the trailing edge. Any ideas.


70cc twin V2
Ok so I have question. When I cover the side of fuse i will pull covering around the bottom. Should I go half way around bottom on each side so seam in middle. My big problem is the top with the compound curves. How will that get covered best.


I would overlap at least half way if not a bit further. For the top leave a bit extra and just pull on the covering and keep hitting it with the iron. The heat will help pull it around the curve.


If your referring to the front of the canopy then yes I could cut it there and fold both edges over if htat makes sense.


70cc twin V2
One side down. Took three hours. Came out goodish. Iam getting better and better at covering. Learning little tricks.


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Looks good brotha. Don't be affraid of it. You will make mistakes here and there and the more you do it the more little tricks you will find that work for you. And just remember soemthing that works really well for me may not be what works for you it's all about finding what's easiest for you.