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35 Sbach Scratchbuild


I figure I'll replace them with solar d658s when the time comes. If it's still around when I get a little better at 3D, I'll look into going better. This model is intended as a learning model before I go big, so I don't hold much hope that it'll last long anyway. Winter is coming up and I'm ready to fly again before it gets colder (luckily we don't get pelted with snow all winter so there always flying opportunities). After the first of the year, I'm planning on getting my first gasser. Something in the 20-30cc class.


I've been looking around, but haven't found much in the line of servos that I can really afford at this moment. I'm open to suggestions for some mini, metal gear servos that won't break the bank. I'd love to give me info (recommended torque etc),but no specifics were given for this model. What I can give is this, it's a 35" ws, 2.5-3 lb, 3D model. Deflection settings are between 40 and 50 degrees with an OS 40 fp for power.

Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.

Nice build log mate:)

I don't know how much these are stateside but have a look at the Align Ds515's real fast and heaps of grunt and metal geared I pick them up localy( in Australia) for $35 a pop


Nice build log mate:)

I don't know how much these are stateside but have a look at the Align Ds515's real fast and heaps of grunt and metal geared I pick them up localy( in Australia) for $35 a pop

Thanks. Wish I would've thought about posting during the build instead of after the fact.

I'll look into those in the near future. Just a quick search shows them at $41 from amain hobbies.


GSN Contributor
Thanks. Wish I would've thought about posting during the build instead of after the fact.

I'll look into those in the near future. Just a quick search shows them at $41 from amain hobbies.

They go for less in the used section on other forum websites with bigger helicopter crowds.


There good servo's mate worth the little bit extra Gyro's on the money they pop up on HeliFreak often


I typically don't like going with used stuff, especially from someone I don't know, or know their flying habits. However,I have had good luck from a used TX I got earlier this year. Futaba 8fu, 3 FrSky RXs, FrSky 2.4 module, and the 72 RX that came with it, all for 85 bucks. Two of the 3 RXs were brand new, sealed in the package. So, I may just have to consider this option. Thanks guys.


Here she is, awaiting that maiden flight. Only thing left to do is attach the throttle linkage, secure RX and battery, and screw the wings on. Hopefully, I'll have a nice video of the maiden to post when it happens........maybe tonight if I get time.:peace::banana:


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Thanks. Guess we'll see just how well I did in the coming days. I'm already bored and looking for another model to build. :D