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3DHS 91" Yak 55


70cc twin V2
I just got the 3DHS 91" Yak 55. I have a DLE 55 that I want to put in it. Just wondering if anyone is flying this plane with that motor?

Also would like to here about what people have this plane set up with.




I got about twenty flights on mine but I have an eme 60 on it.Plane flies great and the power is good even though the motor is not broken in yet.I use one two cell 4000 mah lipo battery all high voltage servos and a wike ignition switch.very light setup.I bounced the plane on one landing and the bottom of the firewall split at the bottom not to bad but you might want to look at that before you finish setting it up.Sure am happy with it so far.
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70cc twin V2
A local club member here ins South Jersey has one for sale.
I think he'll let it go at a very reasonable price.
He just got another plane and is taking the gear out of the Yak.

Take care


"Cool Guy"
A local club member here ins South Jersey has one for sale.
I think he'll let it go at a very reasonable price.
He just got another plane and is taking the gear out of the Yak.

Take care

Bob could you ask your friend how the black covering is holding up? Is there an issue with the clear coming off the black?


70cc twin V2
Thanks for the info mmikeny.

I built my buddies slick 104 from 3dhs and the clear was bubbling when I took the plane out of the box. I ironed the bubbles out and all has been good since...


70cc twin V2
Couple of buddies up here say they love their yaks. But with a twin on the front one of em has a socket taped to the tail wheel cause he can't move his batts any farther back lol. Another buddie says it's the best plane he's ever had for slow harriers. So much so that he bought a spare. Wrecked the first one and ordered another spare lol.
DLE-55 would do fine without a pipe for general 3D and sport flying. I have a GP-61 on a Smooth Pipe on my Yak, and I would totally recommend that pipe for your plane, unless cost is an issue. I have ridiculous amounts of power but I also fly with a 32 oz tank and have the extra weight of the pipe and dual batteries. Keep it light and you could get away with it for sure!

By the way, I love the way it flies with the small SFGs and angled wingtip blocks. High-speed flying is totally improved and feels like flying with big SFGs, but low speed is more like a traditional wing without SFGs. The wing stalls perfectly in harrier and is perfectly stable, and they don't mess with forward slips. I feel like the bigger ones trap more air on the wing and make it tend to tip stall more violently with rudder input.


70cc twin V2
That is great to hear that the plane will be fine with a DLE 55, I mostly sports fly and will attempt to hang from prop from time to time.

Man this is going to be a long winter once I am done building this thing...lol