I'm running Rf on my Macbook pro and it runs great. Someone stop in and fly with us !!
Yeah I forgot my interlink when i went to florida but im back home now
I left the Rf session cause I think anthony feel asleep.
I guess I'm going to fly the nano in the living room for a couple batteries.
I ran Phoenix on my laptop, and it worked ok, can't see real flight being THAT different. In the end, you could always reduce the detail of the clouds, trees, background, etc in the mean time (which will speed up the video processing) and then update your graphics card later when you have time.
I ran Phoenix on my laptop, and it worked ok, can't see real flight being THAT different. In the end, you could always reduce the detail of the clouds, trees, background, etc in the mean time (which will speed up the video processing) and then update your graphics card later when you have time.