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70cc twin V2
thanks Gary but took an hour break and cleared my head went back to the basement and resolved it... I was having trouble getting the throttle linkage on the Velox correct...

Av8r RC

Looking for some advise/recommendation.

Last week I got in the 2 41" edges I ordered. I got them to be my throw around plane. You know stupid stuff way too low.

Well I got a little too crazy on my second flight. Dragged the wing tip and elev on the runway in a KE. And had to dump it before I ran into one of the pilot stations. Well when I dumped it I broke the wingtube in half, luckily there wasn't too much damage, but this brings me to where I need help.

It broke the tube for the wing tube, some of it blew away, so I can't piece it back together. Any advise in making a new tube? I have some carbon fiber tissue that i tried to make one or of last night, but didn't go too well. Plus the main thing is I couldn't get it to release from the original tube, tried using packing tape as a barrier. Would cooking spray work as a release agent?



70cc twin V2
Plus the main thing is I couldn't get it to release from the original tube, tried using packing tape as a barrier. Would cooking spray work as a release agent?

I've heard (never tried) that wax paper works well in these circumstances... I think on that size plane I'd follow the recommended link above, it might even be better to buy a another complete airframe altogether to have parts on hand if its your beater plane?

Av8r RC

Noll, it sounds like he broke the internal wing tube saddle (the shell in which the CF wing tube sits).

Bingo! That's what I broke. And the wing tube too, but have extras of that.

Thanks for the suggestions guys and gals, but think I got some thing to work late last night.

This time I wrapped the tape, sticky side out around the wing tube. Then soaked the cf tissue with some 20 min epoxy and wrapped it around. This morning after it cured it slid nicely off the wing tube. It's a touch weaker than the fiberglass one that was in it originally, but I can add another coat of epoxy to strengthen it up a little more.

Thanks all


70cc twin V2
Does anyone need these SFG's; they are BNIB for a 72 Red Extra...

Cover the shipping and they are yours... Send me a PM please.



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