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48" Edge 540 Building, Flying, and Questions

3DHS Edge 540 48" is my second favorite plane in the hanger right now. I have the blue version but it also comes in orange. To start the age old argument BLUE flies better!! J/K I am going to kick off this thread with a couple of studio shots I did of my Edge with Nachos Cheese Vinyl smeared all over it.


  • Blue Edge 540 48in 01.jpg
    Blue Edge 540 48in 01.jpg
    99 KB · Views: 2,236
  • Blue Edge 540 48in 02.jpg
    Blue Edge 540 48in 02.jpg
    96.5 KB · Views: 583
  • Blue Edge 540 48in 03.jpg
    Blue Edge 540 48in 03.jpg
    100.2 KB · Views: 624
  • Blue Edge 540 48in 04.jpg
    Blue Edge 540 48in 04.jpg
    98.2 KB · Views: 544
Thanks buddy. I like to spend the extra cash for vinyl on most of my 3DHS planes just so they look different then everyone else's. I have always liked to be a little different or is that strange? Probably both. HAHA!!
I hear that! I could probably have another frame with the vinyl I bought. I have only purchased 3 kits. One from each of the big three, 3D cutters. Nachos Cheese (48 Edge), ADC (41 Edge), and B&E (71AJ Slick). They all have been great quality! I personally like the Cheese the best but that is because it is such a sweet design!
The 48 Edge is a great plane that can take whatever you throw at it. Mine has been thrashed repeatedly.
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I can't say enough good things about my 48" Edge. It was my first 3D plane and I still love flying it today.


70cc twin V2
also my first 3d plane and second plane ever (GP super sportster foamie was my first), got it in sept of last year, 335 flights as of today, 2 motor boxes, lots of small repairs, but still flys amazing. I still love it, one of these days I'm going to tear it down and give it all new servos, motor, esc, but for now it is a favorite standby


Just Do It
To start the age old argument BLUE flies better!!

I am way okay about the blue plane, I have two of em. However when you add the yellow/gold all bets are off, I can't bring myself to fly a Michigan Helmet. ;) Good looking graphics though, well done.