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Scale 50% Dalotel 165

Preparing the PCBs I designed for the fiber optic servo extensions, I know I'm multitasking, hmmm I thought only women could do this LOL


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the inner bottom sheet is cut, still needs trimming before gluing but getting there, you will note cut out for the land gear, and 3 hatch openings for different things


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I like 'em "BIG"!
Preparing the PCBs I designed for the fiber optic servo extensions, I know I'm multitasking, hmmm I thought only women could do this LOL
Fiber optic servo extensions? Wow! I have actually never heard of this technique. Is this something you dreamed up Roger? Or has it been done before? It's very cool.
Fiber optic servo extensions? Wow! I have actually never heard of this technique. Is this something you dreamed up Roger? Or has it been done before? It's very cool.
Yes I developed these some years ago for safety reasons, I don't fly any of my large airplanes without them.
The Dalotel will need approximately 14 FO extensions
Can you explain what they are and what they do? They do sound cool.

BJ Swope
There a few good reasons to use these,
One the signal wire from the rx to the servo is replaced with a fiber optic (light beam) no interference from within
Two, one of the biggest problems with modern rxs the signal voltage is very low , long leads makes this a problem, with the F.O. you get the full voltage of 6 to 7.5 versus 3 volts. , did you ever try Y connecting 3 servos , won't work but with Fiber Optics, I have tested up to 7 servos, with no issues. not that we Y connect them today with our radios but you get the point,
The biggest part is you totally optically isolate the servos from the receiver, the receiver gets its own battery so no power spikes from heavy duty servos, and the servos get there own battery/s If a servo goes bad, normally it would feed back to the rx and you would go into failsafe, and crash. but with this the bad servo can't ever feed back to the rx, because it has its own power and totally optically isolated from the receiver
Removed the turnagy servo and installed this Microtek Pro Amp servo, high voltage, brushless, specially designed precision military standard amplifier and magnetic sensor replacing the potentiameter, rated at 21 kg, but I believe it is underated, seems much more powerfull


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