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Scale 50% Dalotel 165

Well back to gluing parts, since I'm on the second wing. I hope to have this wing done like the first one by the end of February, if not , no big deal, but its coming along.
Sooooo while the glue sets , and I have pretty well concluded the onboard alternator, (sort of), here is my plan of course with lots of testing, I want to use only one battery for everything ( like the theory of everything LOL) the alternator can put out a lot of amps, and the Lipo charger I will be using if all goes well, puts out 5 amps, waiting for a high powered rectifier, and high powered voltage regulator since I have to keep the voltage below 18 volts at the input of the lipo charger.
Now in the design stage, I want to make an onboard starter which will double up as the alternator, I don't think this will be too hard but I have been wrong at least once or twice LOLOL how about many times..
Next in the theory stage only, make all controls Hydraulic, why ? hmmm because I can, but seriously, for instance if you are using 3 servos for each aileron on a aerobat, the lest weight you have towards the tip of the wing the better for roll rate. So all the servos could be bunched up towards the center. Lots of testing to see the feasibility . Are we having fun yet? Hell ya....


Hydraulic controls!!! Back in my IAC days, I was having a custom unlimited biplane built and we had discussed this as a possible alternative to pushrods, bellcranks, ball joints, etc. It would have saved some weight and of course the mechanical advantages could be keenly tailored for each surface.

I quit flying full scale aerobatics and the project was sold to another pilot. The hydraulic idea was never incorporated in the finished plane, as were many other design elements (such as double tapered wings).


70cc twin V2
I'm down for seeing the hydraulic controls. If you can do it, why not?! There's a company that tailors to the r/c model construction equipment community with full hydraulic system for an excavator or loader. Can't think of the name right now....
now is slow time with gluing ,LOL , finished the boost tab, with hinges , and installed, control rod, and mini servo also.
while glue sets, I have done some calculations for the alternator/starter and it should work, waiting for a bigger/stronger brushless motor, but did this diagram, looks good


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now is slow time with gluing ,LOL , finished the boost tab, with hinges , and installed, control rod, and mini servo also.
while glue sets, I have done some calculations for the alternator/starter and it should work, waiting for a bigger/stronger brushless motor, but did this diagram, looks good
I made a change on the drawing, forgot to connect the esc to the battery


I like 'em "BIG"!
a short video of the alternator, charging 4 batteries,

Said it before, I'll openly say it again. You sir, are a steely eyed missle man. WOW....when I was a little tyke, I used to dream of stuff like this. A plane that had all the goodies and gizmos and bells and whistles. I just didn't think it was possible. My apologies Roger for not following as closely as I used to. Guess I got caught up in the Yak restore. I most definitely will be anxiously awaiting your next installment of: RC Madness, Let's blow your mind with coolness!!!