I've been working on these plans, studying techniques, and getting the shop ready to do a scratch build. Over the years I've been inspired by some of the great scratch builders in the hobby and want to put my "lack of skills" to the test. This is going to be a best effort and i'm sure long build. (est 2years) Currently getting last min details to see where this build will go. If I can get the info i'm looking for from the museum (in talks now) then i'll build it in aluminium and take what i've learned from KrazyKarl and put it to the test. It may turn out that the build goes the route of balsa and monokote with painted rivits and panel lines. Either way it will be 50% scale and hopefully fly straight and true
I found a set of plans for a .46 size plane and have blown those up to the scale I need and plan on using those dimensions at templates for parts, the CG location is noted on there so I have an idea to start at, but there is a long way to go for that. Wish me luck guys.. this will be fun!!
I found a set of plans for a .46 size plane and have blown those up to the scale I need and plan on using those dimensions at templates for parts, the CG location is noted on there so I have an idea to start at, but there is a long way to go for that. Wish me luck guys.. this will be fun!!