Before I continue I'd like to say a couple of things. I want to thank my Buddy Joe again, for letting me use his AWESOME shop. If it wasn't for him, I woudn't be doing this right now. . . . . .

In addition to the great group of friends I have here on GSN to help me, I am lucky to have my usual Monday night meeting buddies who together add up to over 250 years of building experience to keep me from screwing up, I hope. . . . .
OK, back to the update. tonight I decided to work on the tail surfaces. I apologize for the lack of "progress" pictures, but I got so involved in working on it, I forgot to stop and take any. So here is what I ended up with.
Vertical fin.
Horizontal stab. I had to hold the camera way up over my head to got the entire stab in the picture, well almost the whole stab. . .

. The holes are for the tail wheel mounting bolts and hardware. The tail wheel is the 50cc size from Verne at White Rose Engineering.
My good friend Jeff built the vertical fin and rudder while I built the horizontal stab. The stab would have gone more quickly if the balsa in the kit wasn't like concrete. I have never in my life seen balsa that hard. . . . .

On top of that, because the balsa was so hard, the laser only managed to go half way through it so I spent over an hour trying to finish cutting out the pieces without cutting my fingers off. . . .
After Jeff and I finished those pieces, he said he was hot so he stopped and rested while I pulled out he elevator pieces and went ahead built the two elevators. The holes in the control surfaces are for hardwood dowel inserts for the control horns. By the time everything was sanded, down to at least 180 grit, it was 11:30pm. I think we had a very productive night, despite the constant ribbing from the "peanut gallery". . . . .
There will not be as much progress next week because I am going to get a bottle of either Tightbond wood glue, or slow curing CA and go over all the joints in the fuselage. If I can sneak out to Joe's house one night this week or this weekend, I will do that and next Monday night I will do all the laminating of ribs together in preparation for starting on the wing.
That's all for tonight folks.