HRRC Flyer
GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I wanted to do something easy next, so I laminated some pieces of plywood together to make the supports for the plywood the wing bolts get screwed into. See pictures above
With that out of the way, I noticed the piece of ply with the hole for the rudder servo, was kind of weak at the rear so I added a piece of scrap concrete basla (from my horizontal stab and glued it under the rear of the plywood. See picture above. For some reason, I stuck my finger the rudder servo hole and immediately realized something was missing. The directions show you a picture of two scrap pieces of plywood you are supposed to glue to the bottom of the plate for the servo screws. Under the picture, the text tells you to glue in the laser cut plywood doubler that goes all the way around the servo hole to the bottom of the plate. So after I dug the piece pout of the box of wood, I glued it in.'
I didn't get much else done, because spent the rest of the night trying to remove as much of the crappy application of CA from the formers going towards the rear of the fuselage. I didn't bother to take any pictures of this step. . . . .

My Buddy Joe will not be home next Monday night, so I will not be able to work on the plane for a couple of weeks. . . . . . Maybe the pace will pick up a little bit when Joe returns
Sorry for the short update Fella's, but that's all for tonight.