I've been doing some filling and sanding on the fuse using the lightweight drywall joint compound. I'm almost done with that so I'm hoping to glass the fuselage this weekend.
My .5 ounce fiberglass cloth came today, and I was pretty disappointed to see it was folded in a bag instead of wound on a roll like they said it would be. That is going to make the handling more difficult. I hate the creases that folding the cloth gives you. It all comes out, it's just more work.
I also bought a 3 1/2" Tru Turn Ultimate spinner off of that other classifieds site. The whole deal was a pain in the a$$ induced by me. First I left the number 1 out of his email address, so the first payment didn't go to him. I thought no problem, with PayPal and their "Buyers Protection", I'll get my money back, (More on that later). So, I pay the guy again, and the spinner shows up in just a few days. I take it home and set it on the shelf and notice I have another on just like it already.

And the worst part is I don't even really like that shape of it on this airplane.
So I had filed a request for a refund from PayPal for my misdirected payment and they start sending requests to the person it went to. Well a week later I had nothing until yesterday when I got an email saying my case was closed. Their reason was a lack of supporting information, case closed. No other information. This morning I filed out more forms and sent more emails, then about mid morning I got an email saying my money has been refunded. At least that worked out.