Just keeps getting better flying the Laser - wow. Do not be afraid to work with moving your CG back some either. I had been happy with where it was for KE coupling balance and today moved it back another 3/8" just to see and it really helped the hover and some in harrier with no changes to KE. Really tolerant with the CG so don't take your spot for granted, you might see some improvements.
I actually spent some time today in low rates and was also blown away. Long single slow roll across the sky was never better, I could not believe it was me flying, on rails. Even rollers in low rates are easier to do then any other plane in low rates with such precise control.
I fly a variant of the snake that I think looks better, I roll left to start just pass wings 90° and push down elevator to push right and up a little, then I roll 180° right into the opposite push back. The extra half rolls in there is what I think makes it look better plus at least for me is easier. Anyway again in slow rates the Laser pulls this off with little effort.
More on landings, if you struggle with landings this plane IS for you, so easy to grease in.
The only thing I struggle with and its all me is upright Pop Tops. Inverted are no problem and spins like a top. I think I do to many crankshafts and my commands get mixed and I end up killing energy. If you have a trick to doing upright PT's please share.
Just so excited after flying this morning I had to share.
slow rolls on this bad boy are sweet huh! i remember reading months ago when i was trying to learn rollers that if you could slow roll the entire length of the field you were doing something. Its a breeze with the Laser. on your version of the snake, thats pretty much how i first started doing them, just seemed natural that way. i like doing mine the normal way but very deep snap more deliberate and slower than most.
On poptops ,you know atm mine look prettier inverted than upright. Timing is the key to upright ones, seems like more so than nailing timing on inverted on the Laser. i was getting a good 3 turns inverted. I cant wait to go back to a 16x8 prop.
Torque rolls and hovers are so easy on this plane.
So Ray, where about are you on your cg now? Im flying mine pretty forward at the moment. I gonna do like i did on the MXS. Im gonna keep moving it back alil bit at a time, until i started to get just a fuzz bit of wing rock in harrier. Then move it forward just a tad, until rock is gone.
Have i mentioned how freakin awesome this plane is?