Got about 2 hours more work left on the Corvus. Gotta glue in the rudder control horns, make a rudder pushrod, and finish the LG cuffs. Got the backplate drilled, prop mounted, and finalized the CG. 2 2600mAh Glacier Rx packs are mounted next to the fuel tank. I can go to 3600's if the 2600's don't net me 4 flights, once I get it all dialed in. Also was able to mount all 4 aileron servos, run the MPX extensions and get them programmed and balanced in the XG11. I have a minimal amount of servo buzz, which is what I like.
I'm really hoping that the weight of this bird will come in under 28#. Which will make it really fun!
I'm really hoping that the weight of this bird will come in under 28#. Which will make it really fun!