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Aerobeez 70″ Slick PRO Step By Step Build Guide


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Rudder cables tensioned, ailerons tweaked for a bit more throw and even deflections. Now just to get a chance to test fly again :banana:


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Half of me wants to go fly it at the local schoolyard... I know I could fly inside of it no problem... But the other half of me says don't be stupid...


3DRCF Moderator
Whoa didn't know that is not legal... Is that for all 50 states or just Cali? I been flying mine at the high school when it's out of course and no one is around.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Whoa didn't know that is not legal... Is that for all 50 states or just Cali? I been flying mine at the high school when it's out of course and no one is around.

It's just a big airplane and if anything goes wrong I do NOT want it hitting someone or going into someones house. The 48" foamies are about the biggest airplanes I'll fly at the school.


3DRCF Moderator
Ah gotcha, I feel the same way and if the field wasn't so huge I wouldn't fly there at all. If know one is there I will fly, but as soon as someone shows I just leave. It's nice because I can walk out my door and walk to the field, only about 500 ft away. Thus far the grounds keeper and football coach have said it's okay. Even the school police stop to watch sometimes.

Safety first always.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I have an agreement with the local schools principal that I wouldn't fly anything bigger than 2-3 pounds. He doesn't mind as long as I stick to that.


3DRCF Moderator
So hey [MENTION=3822]Xpress[/MENTION] after reading your review it got me thinking how mine is going to act on this 12S setup. What do you think bud? I know it's overkill and throttle management will be something I'll have to pay extra attention to, but Im used to that with my Heli's. Still, I would like to get your input man.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
So hey [MENTION=3822]Xpress[/MENTION] after reading your review it got me thinking how mine is going to act on this 12S setup. What do you think bud? I know it's overkill and throttle management will be something I'll have to pay extra attention to, but Im used to that with my Heli's. Still, I would like to get your input man.

My input is 6S is plenty for this airplane. It accelerates just as fast as any other 3D airplane does, pulls right out of a hover with authority, and gives you good power when you're down low on the deck. 8s is pushing it and anything bigger is just way overkill IMO.

Too much power when you're down low and slow and the airplane will get yanked around too quickly, might snap out of an element, etc. Takes a lot of skill and attention having so much power to work with.