The only issue I really had with mine was the cowl ring not being fully seated from the factory. I don't think we can blame anybody but the shippers here for that. Who knows how long these things sat in their containers before they actually arrived at Aerobeez? The conditions at sea can be extremely brutal to the materials these airplanes are assembled with so to have a minor detail or 2 not be fully in check would be expected. The airplane is pretty well packed and protected inside its box so to only have a cowl ring come unglued isn't something I'd consider to be a huge deal. Yeah it's annoying and inconvenient but that's why we call it modelling, sometimes stuff like this will happen and we just have to fix it. The hinge slots shouldn't be an issue though and I didn't have a problem with mine. All I did was run a #11 blade through the slots to ensure the covering wasn't sealed over them. Not sure why you had an issue

Just take your #11 blade and cut some new slots- take your time with it and you'll be done in no time.
All I did to remedy my cowl ring was lined it back up, put a few drops of medium CA and kicker on it to hold it in place, then I soaked it in thin CA from both sides to get a good solid adhesion. From there, I spread some 15 minute epoxy on the inside of the ring to double secure it in there to make sure it wasn't going anywhere. I did this all around the ring, not just in the place it lifted.
I'm glad to hear Aerobeez jumped onboard to help out. They have really good customer service and they're always peeking around the forums to check in on their customers.
Not saying that Aerobeez airplanes are low quality (because they aren't, they're very high quality) but sometimes I look forward to minor QC or shipper issues like this because I thoroughly enjoy working on my airplanes in the shop