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AeroWorks 150cc Ultimate


640cc Uber Pimp
Thank's gentlemen. With a little rest and some nutrients I will be good to go. The biggest problem is although my mind keep's pushing to get it done the body is not able to keep up. Yesterday I pushed a 12 hour tearing it down day and only stopped then because of pain. So today's misery is self induced....


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hey @stangflyer, got any advise on how to care for this 3W? And, yes, I know it is not a red head.
Redhead or not, it is still Superior German engineering. LOL I suppose care and maintenance all depends on how much usage it has had. If one knew the exact history, I suppose it would be easier to make a judgment call. That said, I would definitely take a look at the inside of the cylinders for any scoring or scratching. If you knew that it didn't have much use on it, then I probably would not worry too much. A new set of rings is usually not necessary unless there is a ton of usage on the engine and the compression is low. But I highly doubt that is the case. If you did decide to put new rings in it, I would definitely break it in again with Lawn-Boy ashless for a few tanks. Then switch over to the red line 40 to 1 ratio. If it does not have the updated carb mounting block and Reeds, if they are available for it) I would get ahold of the G-Man at aircraft International and have him set you up. I have not seen the carburetion system so I am not aware if it has a Tillotson carb or a walbro carb. If it has the Tillotson, you will find that it could be a little finicky until you find the sweet spot. But once you do, as you already are more than likely aware they are beasts. A 3w engine is really not too unlike all of the others. With the exception that they are machine with much tighter tolerances. That is the reason why they last so long. That and the Metallurgy of the aluminum is very Superior. I have run all of my 3w engines on 40 to 1 ratio Redline since they were new other than the break-in period.
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I like 'em "BIG"!
One other thing, I have never owned one of the older 150 engines. However from what I have been told, they are nearly as strong as the 157 CS. You should see nearly the same RPM with the same prop as what I get with my 157.


640cc Uber Pimp
Ok, I guess a little background would be helpful. The engine was sent to Gerhard in August, the ignition was upgraded, a new magnet installed, and the carb was rebuilt. It also has the (I believe) new style aluminum reed block, see pic. I spoke with Gerhard and he said in August, when it left his hands, it was in perfect order. I looked in the openings and there did not appear to be anything out of the ordinary. With the plug in it was nearly impossible to turn it over by hand.


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HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey @acerc,

Pay very close attention to the top wing structure near where it joins the center section. If my memory serves me right, quite a few of the Aeroworks Ultimates had a failure of the top wing. There used to be a long thread on the subject over on RCU, I believe.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Ok, I guess a little background would be helpful. The engine was sent to Gerhard in August, the ignition was upgraded, a new magnet installed, and the carb was rebuilt. It also has the (I believe) new style aluminum reed block, see pic. I spoke with Gerhard and he said in August, when it left his hands, it was in perfect order. I looked in the openings and there did not appear to be anything out of the ordinary. With the plug in it was nearly impossible to turn it over by hand.
Any chance you have a side view photo of the carb and Reed block?


640cc Uber Pimp
Do not own a twin but have two 3w singles they are both well over 10 years old the one engine has Over 1500 hours on it and the only thing that I have changed on the engines is reed valves and plugs. Both engines will turn the propellers at the same rpm as when new. Well not quite true for the first 2 or 3 years the rpm kept creeping up a little at a time and has been steady ever since. They are definitely build like tank.