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Airframe Dilemma


Ok stuck between a rock and a hard place, I have a low use 89 slick that I do not love, I really like other planes in the hanger actually really like my 42 slick and fell in love with my 104 on the 2nd flight, The 89 just doesn't fit my style of flying, So I kinda want a Pilot extra 30%, my question is I dont like the 89 it floats too much, its kinda sloppy and i cant seem to get it to carry energy in tumbles. Has any one flown both? I Want to know if i should take a chance on the Pilot, hell i got the 89 stupid cheap in a by chance situation at work so its kinda hard to sale it as @ChickenBalls really wants it but knows what i payed for it and hes too good of a friend to rip off or **** on by giving it to some one else. Don't shoot me for the shirt in my pic Im sure I was mowing grass or hitting on ugly women. I guess it boils down to this is the Pilot extra amazing??? lol


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70cc twin V2
I have heard mixed reviews on the smaller pilot extras also. I have a 40% 260 that rocks so i am def not a pilot hater.


"Cool Guy"
Had the Pilot 35% 330L and sold it. Still have the spare wheel pants for it! Wish I had the rest of it too.
Hard to have to figure you had a good thing and now it's gone.

Just say in make sure that is what you really want ( you have doubts) cuz when @ChickenBalls gets his meat hooks on it THAT"S IT!!!:spongebob:
I greeted him with a phone call EARLY this morn, getting closer to adding her as a back up in my shop. I'm going to sharpen my knife now, just in case @pawnshopmike tries to out bid me.:cautious: BTW @emtp275 I'm not telling wifey bout our conversation till after we return from Nall. I may not tell her at all, because there is this small issue about wanting a VIPER. I'm really starting to think I have a problem.