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AMA and Multirotors

I called him to clarify our concerns and he began the conversation thinking that we were upset about how much attention to sUAS the AMA is focusing. I had to tell him multiple times that we are not worried about that. We support all forms of flying and want to ensure that we continue to be able to fly. We support what they are doing in fighting the proposed regulation because we understand that it could infringe on all modelers.

The problem that Bob and the AMA leadership is facing is that the FAA keeps delaying their rules proposals so we cannot clearly respond to them.

One thing Bob brought up was a recent effort by the AMA to get some positive press for modeling and the past couple of weeks there have been some positive results.

I asked Bob to please respond to jtec so we can share the information with the community.

One thing to note, Bob does fly planes. He just pored $,3000 into an aerosol glider, so that's one rumor we can't to bed.

BJ Swope


Damn I'm hungry
Well.....I stated it in another thread a while back......"existing infrastructure" "henchmen". They "will" do the FAA's bidding.

If you want to fly big we are going to have to pay big!. My glow crap and 72 mghz!:woohoo!:
If safety is the only concern, all RC flying needs be grounded. Period.

I don't see a difference in flying my hex to my Extra. If I'm stupid, I can hurt people. That's just a fact of life. Same goes with driving a car or any one of the many things I do during the day that could possibly injure myself or someone else. Eventually something really bad will happen with an RC toy. I can promise you that. Just like the dude in New York who slit his own throat with a RC helicopter last summer, stuff happens. Somebody will be a dumbass and bring down an airliner or something in GA eventually. It's a statistical certainty.

People in general are dumbass's, they have been since the beginning. No rule, nor regulation, or piece of legislation will change that. We accept certain things in the name of freedom, but some people are willing to give up their freedoms for the illusion of safety. Cue Patriot Act rant from our previous failure of a presidential elect....

Without a doubt, something serious will happen and it is much more likely to happen now because of the recent advances in multi rotors has opened the world of model aviation to the average joe on the street.

While we may be frustrated by the AMA, they are the only real hope, however faint that it may be, to keep the Feds, state and local govts off our backs.

BJ Swope


I was at the AMA show. I may be wrong here and tell me if I am and there is no way of really knowing but it just feels like to me that the AMA is asleep at the switch and they really don't fully understand what the real threat is to our hobby. Bob thinks we just don't like multi rotors, is that how I understand it?
From my conversation with him, I think he was looking at jtec's email like it was simply giant scale complaining because multi-rotor is getting much of their focus. I had to explain multiple times that was not our concern.

We are concerned that regulation on multiple levels will negatively impact our hobby.

If I understood him properly, the AMA is waiting on additional action from the FAA before they can respond. But don't assume my understanding is complete.

I did ask him to respond to jtec so we can learn what they are doing.

BJ Swope


Defender of the Noob!
Reading into what is happening around the country it's encouraging that the AMA is involved in projects like the safety video and accompanying campaign that the FAA has undertaken. Whether or not the AMA is actively contributing is something altogether, they could be simply told to not make waves or any unreasonable demands and the modelers won't be grounded. This while the larger effort tries to reel in the exploding popularity of multi-rotor helicopters and the unregulated masses that are flying them everywhere there's 8 square feet for the launch and recovery.

I personally think aeromodeling is safe and that the AMA will be the governing authority (read that as dues collector) for some time to come but I don't think that they are actively participating in the regulatory effort aimed at sUAS.

Just my two cents.