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AMA and Multirotors

RJ 706

70cc twin V2
I think we should be extremely concerned that the person we are trusting to lead the organization that oversees our interest did not recognize an email from Al and within a reasonable time pick up the phone and speak directly to him and answer his questions.

Over 140,00 dues paying members are trusting two people with the AMA to make an impact on the federal government.
. Further, who's message are they conveying? Has the AMA asked the membership what we desire for the future of our sport as it relates to this topic?
They represent us and we have no direct input into their message. It should be OUR message. They as elected officials are bound to represent our desires. But only if we step up and call them to task.


Damn I'm hungry
What I would like is some "clarification" on the matter on "exactly" how this affects me as a big plane flyer of less than 50lbs.
Where has the AMA done this? Has not answered Al as of yet other than an ambiguous error in hitting the "send" key.
In trying to understand.... all I can really come up with is.... WTFO?

What does raise my suspicions however.....Seems that any potential entity who may be jockeying for fiscal and political gains are the ones pulling strings and lobbying for commercial benefit and enterprise and need to dispose of any interference in creating a new market share. Kind a like data, media and info technology. Tablets and phones are cheap but the "plans" keep us sending monthly dollars to the suits. Lots of industry has a lot to benefit from this "technology" and I am seeing a "needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few" attitude.


As president of my local club I sort of copied Al from JTEC and also sent a letter to Bob along with a couple other friends. Here is his response. It does sound like they are taking some action.

Mr. Hinton,

The Academy of Model Aeronautics was formed in 1936 with a primary focus of free flight competition. In the seventy-eight years since its’ inception, the Academy has evolved by recognizing various technological changes and innovations. Included were control line and various facets of radio control. Some of those facets include scale, pylon racing, aerobatics, helicopters, 3D and now sUAS.
Currently we are attempting to correct the objectionable media attention generated by misuse of multi rotors or sUAS. In doing this we have recently generated the Know Before You Fly program (http://knowbeforeyoufly.org). This program will assist in correcting the views created by the negative media. It's very important that we work to get information into the hands of the end user to help mitigate safety concerns. We intend to do this with the support of the industry including manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. If recreational multi rotors are flown within AMA's programming, they are as safe as any other form of model aviation. We agree that there are some out there that are flying outside of what we would consider safe and responsible. We believe that most enthusiasts want to operate safely, they've just not been told how. That's why AMA partnered with the Association for Unmanned Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI)to create the Know Before You Fly campaign. If an incident happens, no one will ask whether the operator of the platform was an AMA member or not. We'll all be painted with the same broad brush.
At no time are we forgetting model aviation as a whole. We are currently aligning ourselves in the most powerful political posture we have ever assumed. It is our intent to see that we modelers will be able to continue to fly the safe, enjoyable pastime we have enjoyed for almost eight decades.
Bob Brown
AMA President
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RJ 706

70cc twin V2
I wish the weather would have permitted me to go fly today and I would not have spent time reading on this subject. I am not going to write an editorial but I hope my thoughts will engage others to express their views therefore through conversation we will reach a better understanding on this topic.

Self-supporting, non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote development of model aviation as a recognized sport and worthwhile recreation activity. This is the mission statement of the AMA.

I would like the leadership of the AMA to share with us why we ( meaning the collective membership ) are partnered with AUVSI and Small UAV Coalition. From what I read these two organizations exist to work for the commercial use of UAV's, quads, drones, whatever term you use to identify these devices. And I want to be crystal clear that I have no objection to the commercial use by qualified owners/operators. I exclude the term pilots as it is my opinion true pilots are in the minority of users of these devices, except at the highest levels. Meaning not everyone has made the investment of a professional grade aircraft to seek commercial opportunities for profit. I would think we could agree a " Giant Scale " multi rotor is a major investment which in the hands of a qualified pilot should have every right to fly for profit. Yet in my opinion, the AMA is certainly justified in exchanging information as knowledge is invaluable, but to partner with those seeking fly for profit is a misallocation of fiscal and human resources. In some context this relationship is a direct conflict of interest, but that would depend on how our third of the equation is fostered. Again, I offer as suggestion only, are we the membership well served in this alliance as we are not responsible to champion the cause of all things that fly. I again draw your attention to the wording Sport and Recreational Activity! More information from the leadership is in order to relay the goals to which they aspire with this relationship.

The rather elementary and poorly produced video, which I am confident was not viewed by a vast audience, has an essential message if you have an effective method to get it before those in need of the information. How and where was it was made available and is there documentation to support it's effectiveness? I don't think it cleared the trees at the end of the runway. Sorry, sugar coating is not my strong suit.

In closing I would like to share that if you examine the membership of the above mentioned organizations I think you will understand why our President did recognize the email from Al Young.

I trust this is accepted in the sprit in which it is offered. Asking questions after the fact serves no useful purpose and dialogue is essential to work together for common goals.
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"The rather elementary and poorly produced video, which I am confident was not viewed by a vast audience, has an essential message if you have an effective method to get it before those in need of the information. How and where was it was made available and is there documentation to support it's effectiveness? I don't think it cleared the trees at the end of the runway. Sorry, sugar coating is not my strong suit."

RJ 706 your comments on the Know Before You Fly video are spot on. The video isn't bad, but as produced is a Christmas one off. I have no idea how all of the people who bought a toy multi-rotor were supposed to know about this video. Did the AMA and it's two partners distribute stickers with the URL to all of the various retailers with a request to put it on the box? Did they request their membership to go out to all the local stores with stacks of these stickers and posters to put up near the point of sale? I know that there were no prominent notices in my LHS (the one place you think this would show up for sure) and definitely not at Toys-R-Us, Radio Shack, Best Buy, Verizon and the myriad other places marketing these things in my area.


40% happier than most folks.
I was at the park one day flying a lil biplane, a peace officer stopped his cruiser and watched, I thought oh boy here we go, he strolled over to me, I landed, he procedes to ask me the usual questions, how much, how high, how fast and finally... where can I buy one and do you think I could learn to fly . Kind of cool experience, I turned him on to lhs ,and flying field.
Now with the regulations and law enforcement stipulations regarding flying im wondering how that conversation would go now, hopefully the same, possibly not. Sad.


70cc twin V2
Google Autonomous UAV and see what comes up. you can purchase these things anywhere. program them and walk away. NO SKILL REQUIRED!!!!! where is the control after that. Do they have an avoidance system built in? what kind of payload can they carry ( think about the problems in the world now and think how they can be used)