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AMA and Multirotors


70cc twin V2
I seriously don't know why anybody would/should blame the AMA for instances like this...... the AMA has absolutely no jurisdiction over any of it's rules/regulations whether the individual that did this was an AMA member or not...... the jurisdiction, rules, guidelines, laws, need to come from the FAA, along with any enforcement thru any law enforcement capability.


70cc twin V2
Seriously, what is the AMA supposed to do? Tell Best Buy they can't sell Phantoms?
In reality, anything short of the FAA "requiring" anybody flying in NAS to be a member of a CBO with a mutually agreed set of regulations, with legal enforcement, there is nothing that the AMA CAN do. The AMA has no jurisdiction on anything/anybody other than it's members.
The FAA, along with congress need to get off their butts and do something concrete or local municipalities will deal with these issues on their own and screw R/C as we know it.


The FAA could very well possibly ground all of us. The AMA needs to show the FAA that these "Drone" problems do not have anything to do with us.


The guy flying it turned himself in this morning. He's looking at possible federal charges. Says he had no idea it was over the whitehouse property and he was using it for recreational purposes.