I like 'em "BIG"!
Not really sure if there would be a way to know if you got an old batch or new. But I would venture a guess that unless you are dealing with a "mom and pop" LHS, you're probably going to get new stock covering with the updated materials. Don't get me wrong, there was a time when I absolutely loved Monokote. I will admit, I struggled with it years ago when I was new to the hobby. My first covering job coming back to the hobby after being absent from it for 8 years yielded about the same result. I just can't acclimate to it's characteristics. Not that I can't lay it down and look nice. Just that it has always been more difficult for me. Going around compound corners such as rounded wing tips on a Mustang or really pretty much anything for that matter. When I did the complete recover of my 260 with Ultracote, I seen a remarkable difference in the two brands. While Mono needs more heat to lay down, the Ultra goes down with less heat and adheres really well. I like the way Ultra goes around corners. It seems more "pliable" and is easier to stretch around compound corners without wrinkling. One thing I have noticed about both coverings is this. Mono is pretty much impossible to get removed without some serious heat to pull it up. Ultracote will usually come completely up leaving no residue or remaining covering with a little applied heat from a heat gun.Even if they have improved Monokote a bit from the known bad product, how do you know if the product you buy today is from an old or new batch?
I hope your covering job goes as you hope it will. Be paitent with the Ultracote. Once you figure it out, professional results are a snap.