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Scale Balsa USA Camel F1


70cc twin V2
He's  probably going to clamp them. I have done this before but with one strip at a time and directly onto the structure. I was fairly successful at it but there is almost always that one tight curve that just won't quite bend all the way and it breaks, then you have to sand the curve in.

The first piece is always the trickiest if done one at a time so they likely came up with this method of doing it as an assembly because of my own difficulties and what I have gone through in some of my builds. Lol.


This laminating stuff is new to me. This is the first plane I'm doing it on. I soaked the strips and pre bent them. Once they dried I took them out of the jig. Glued the first one in place with Super glue. The other four strips I used Wood glue on. I didn't use clamps on these cause the strips seemed to go in place pretty well. Just used the T-pins to hold them in place.


DSC_0028.JPG DSC_0029.JPG DSC_0030.JPG DSC_0031.JPG DSC_0032.JPG DSC_0033.JPG DSC_0034.JPG DSC_0035.JPG DSC_0036.JPG DSC_0037.JPG DSC_0038.JPG DSC_0039.JPG DSC_0040.JPG DSC_0041.JPG DSC_0042.JPG DSC_0043.JPG DSC_0044.JPG Here is my first post on the refurbished site. Got a lot done since we last loged in The tail surfs are framed up and the fuse is coming along nicely.
I like the picture loader. :)
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Was glad you posted pictures on facebook to keep us posted while the site was being upgraded. Looks awesome. :brian-banana:


Thanks Chris. I think we're going to happy with the site now. I'm poking around trying to learn things.