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Scale Balsa USA Camel F1


DSC_0049.JPG DSC_0050.JPG DSC_0051.JPG DSC_0052.JPG I fit and glued in the wing mounting block and the tail wheel section. This was the easy part. Now comes mounting the engine.

I have to decide where I want to mount the firewall. should be simple but I changed engines from the G-26 that the plane was designed for to the ZP-38 that I have on hand. I had a hard time mounting the 38 in the Fokker and thought It would be easy to mount it in a round cowl plane. Not so. The problem is that the gear mounting block is in the way. I now know that I can mount the engine with no problem but the Exhaust will have to be modified. Have to think about how to go about this. I'm taking a break for now.
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70cc twin V2
I didn't sprang any ankle though I am sore in various places. That's not unusual Lol.

I looked at my Camel plans and it shows a Quadra 35 installed upright and the muffler appears to be recessed in and above the firewall. I can't really tell how the exhaust exits though but look at this.



70cc twin V2
I am still looking at my plans trying to see exactly how they are doing this as it looks like there are multiple pieces to this firewall construction which is different I am sure than yours.
I know you would not want a spark plug sticking out the top of your plane unless you were serious about having a 2 hump Camel. Lol.


70cc twin V2
I think that sticking with the rear exhaust engine on this plane is going to be a challenge. Perhaps a variation on my canister tunnel idea is not so bad afterall.
What about a header that comes out through the firewall and down and exits between the landing gear block and the wing and then add some kind of muffler to that if maybe none at all. That might be too loud.
Just throwing some ideas out there at you and I will continue to think about it.


It's definitely a 2 humper.

The plan so far is to move the engine forward slightly and cut up the stock muffler and angle the stinger to exit behind the landing gear blocks. I have it in my mind youll see when I get to it.

My poor Pacers lost again. I'm verry encouraged on how the 3rd string is putting up a fight.