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BlueBird HB 50B servos


Damn I'm hungry
Yeah, I'm familiar with the programming, however, I find it unintuitive. Your results with the servo has me worried


Me too Steve. One quit with a Futaba set up and one quit with the i10 which has frequency matching. Both servos that failed got hot and this last one fire cracker hot. It drained the battery extremely fast! Mechanical has no binding and gear train smooth as silk. An issue with its digital controller I'm thinking but not sure. Once I get them back to Blue Bird and then back from them I will give a report.

Just an FYI........The key to figuring out the programming is the small plane on the screen. Go and check all the boxes for the "modify" configuration and all the associated "icons" appear such as "butterfly" "spoiler" "flap function" "elevator function" "aileron function"etc....You can then choose to mix these functions and set as a condition. Just have to learn as you go but I think you will find it extremely versatile.


640cc Uber Pimp
Please keep us informed about the BB servos. I bought some the top of the line with the Japanese motor and the helical gearing. I think it was almost capable of 750 oz-in plus. I did a test put the servo on a cycler. With a 2 inch arm and hung a 10 lb weight on it and let it cycle. Connected to a 2s lipo 5000 mah and just let it run well after a while the battery got down to minimum volts so I stopped. Every thing worked out well servo was warm but what surprised me was the connection from the cycler to the servo was stinking hot but everything else was ok. Just some added info.


Damn I'm hungry
Something tells me bigger supply voltage wires and minimal connectors are going to be needed to operate this servo reliably.

Thanks for that input @Snoopy1 . Will definitely update once I get em back. BTW......Your delta wing is Bad Ass.

Rick dazzler

70cc twin V2
After reading this today I ran 2 new bls hb50b on a servo cycler for close to an hour. No load just arms and me applying force here and there physically. Servos got hot to the touch but no effect in performance.
I can say we have sold over 300 hb50's now and i have (2) to send back to bluebird to check out. Out of all we have sold (close to 700 servos) since winter i have 4 total bluebird servos i replaced setting on my work bench. I wouldn't personally be worried. I did have a customer return 7 hb50s because of jitter issues. I refunded him 100% upon servos returning to me and have since installed all 7 in my 105" aj laser 230z with no problems to date.
All brands will have an issue at some point. It's just how it's handled. I can say we have had less failure rates from blue bird than other brands we had sold in the past. Personally us being a small mom and pop and i can't afford a reputation loss. With that said if I was any sketch about bluebird I certantly wouldn't market, use , and stand behind them. However I do understand the "fright" of a new brand on the market and they are and will be under a microscope for a while since it's a new offering.


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And just add, spend the couple of bucks more, and buy them from a dealer, that way, you get a warranty.

Plus, excercising servos on a servo cycler only proves that they work. I feel that they shouldnt be cycled more than just a few minutes. They have aluminum cases, and with a little bit of airflow over the case, temps will be normal.

Anything that has to do with power/electricity will generate heat, naturally. So, yes, I would expect to see a nearly melted servo connector if the servo was cycled for say, 45 mins at full travel. Our servo plugs are rated for 3A cont, and a peak of around 5A.

I have yet to see a 520kV electric motor run cool just on the bench.


Damn I'm hungry
I had noticed that the full stall load of the H50B is 6.5 amps. And of course with a powerful brushless motor that gets almost 800oz of torque one would expect insufficient current to cause them to get hot. Blue Bird honors warranty and will take care of the two I have needing attention. It would be nice to just have to send them to Kentucky first;). The price is not cheaper buying direct. By the time shipping is figured in the cost direct is 100 a unit for just six. I'll hit Tail Dragger up for some later on. I have been getting my Blue Birds direct or from HK for a long time because no one sold in the US before Tail Dragger did but once upon a time you could find them at your LHS.


640cc Uber Pimp
I had noticed that the full stall load of the H50B is 6.5 amps. And of course with a powerful brushless motor that gets almost 800oz of torque one would expect insufficient current to cause them to get hot. Blue Bird honors warranty and will take care of the two I have needing attention. It would be nice to just have to send them to Kentucky first;). The price is not cheaper buying direct. By the time shipping is figured in the cost direct is 100 a unit for just six. I'll hit Tail Dragger up for some later on. I have been getting my Blue Birds direct or from HK for a long time because no one sold in the US before Tail Dragger did but once upon a time you could find them at your LHS.
If you need service try Thunderboltrc they sell and service Blue Bird servos give him a call. Deal with him a little he has always treated me good.