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Bowling Green Extreme 3D Fly-In, July 25-28, 2013


70cc twin V2
New laser does look awesome,theyve only had it with sfgs on. It has the same lines as the 48, so if you like the looks of the48 without sfgs youll love this one.

Gonna get showered up, then go back to the field wearing my 3drcf shirt, if you see me please feel free to say hello!


GSN Contributor
Check out Jacob's noon demo video:



3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Check out Jacob's noon demo video:


Gotta fly now only saw half (that was plenty!) did I count 4 rotations on that crank? Awesome high energy flight Jacob. So, he likes Chris' 104 or is it his now based on that performance? He's for my vote.


Gotta fly now only saw half (that was plenty!) did I count 4 rotations on that crank? Awesome high energy flight Jacob. So, he likes Chris' 104 or is it his now based on that performance? He's for my vote.

I love the 104(I had one). That was and still belongs Mr.Chris Jewet.

Thanks to both Chris Hinson and Jewet for letting me fly all of your planes (especially the 60" laser :) )

I had a blast and hope to see you all soon.