It has been a while but... here is what I did for a drill jig for the robart hinges. I got lazy and took some 1/4" aluminum bar stock and stuck them in the mill. Just had to line up the centerline of the holes and I indexed one end of the bar to ensure my holes started in the correct place for alignment of the edges of the control surfaces. I also didn't have to worry about sanding in the LE and TE to ensure I was on center. Turned out very well, but they are one off's.I used rivets, another way would be to tap the hole with a 1/4 20 or 1/4 28 and after put some shrink tubing on the threads to keep from marking the balsa. If you make something post it here.
Thanks. You inspired me! Your build looks amazing. As you can see I am getting closer to covering. I am very eager to hear of your covering techniques. I am changing to monokote (vs. ultracote) due to cost and availability of paint matching. Regardless, still very wet-behind-the-ears when it comes to covering. Apreciate any details you can afford and have time to describe!What a great idea. I will have to remember this one.
Thanks. You inspired me! Your build looks amazing. As you can see I am getting closer to covering. I am very eager to hear of your covering techniques. I am changing to monokote (vs. ultracote) due to cost and availability of paint matching. Regardless, still very wet-behind-the-ears when it comes to covering. Apreciate any details you can afford and have time to describe!
I don't use Monocote but from what I've heard from folks who do use it, it has changed over the last few years.I don't want my Pro to look cheap. I have covered may planes with monokote and always had great results. I covered this plane over 8 years ago, still looks like it was done last week.