Build another fuse to make the total three.
Build another rudder
Before you know it you have 3 fuses, stabs, elevators, rudders, and motor mounts.
Lay a fuse and rudder over some clean butcher paper to get nice tracings of so you have a decent set of plans to build off of.
Yup you guessed it, fire that bandsaw back up to make all the 5/16" LE and TE sticks. Enough to build three now.
Lay out the ribs and all the sticks and hit all the joints with thin ca.
Sheet the top of the wing and get ready to flip it over. Once flipped I will get some detailed pictures of the main spar as its a modified design that makes it super strong. The prototype only has shear webs in the first two bays and it has been cash dropped, walled, and cart wheeled more times than I can count and still holding strong.