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DA-60 issue


About 4-6 min into the flight engine starts burbling (not sure if it's missing or 4-stroking) in mid range and at full throttle. It is a new DA-60 with about a gallon through it. It runs and transitions perfectly on ground and in the air for the first 4 min or so. Landing temperature is 230 F at the 4th fin. Any ideas?


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That's looks ok to me. Next check the cap in the gas tank. It's more likely running lean because the gas has dropped down to the gas cap level and starts sucking air.
We had a new EME 60 do the exact same thing last year. The cap on the water bottler tank was a little loose causing it too suck air at the six minute mark, big tank.


It's a Fortitude tank and cap appears secure. This is my first gasser. Here's some photos of the set-up.


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I have a Fortitude tank in my EF Edge without any problems. Two weeks ago my buddys Fortitude tank lid got loose and dumped 1/2 the tank in a brand new EF Extra. I have a strong feeling that your problem is coming from your tank. From what we can tell it looks like his glue around the cap just dissolved on his.


Ok thanks so much! I'm ordering a new tank tonight. In the meantime, do you think silicon sealant around the cap would work?

Dr. Gonzo

70cc twin V2
I would just check tank before ordering new. Look for pinholes in your lines loose fittings etc. I know I am stating the obvious. The obvious somtimes is the easiest to overlook.


You don't have to order a new tank if it is leaking from the cap or the fittings. Just go to your local auto parts store and get a tube of "Seal-All". Remove you cap and smear some on the seal and threads then put your cap back on. Bingo! Its fixed. This stuff works great and is fuel resistant. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1374538102.317318.jpghttp://www.eclecticproducts.com/sealall.htm