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Staff member
There are lots of good airframes for the DA-70. I was going to do something with one then decided to go 120 and buy a Viper. I considered the EF MXS and Extra, the PAU Extra, the Aeroworks Freestyle Extra, and the AJ Laser. I don't think you could go wrong with any of those choices. I was leaning towards the EF MXS.

I think you are onto something with that EF MXS. :way_to_go:

Now I just need to find a sweet deal on one of those babies. Maybe they will have a really good Black Friday Sale.:D


New 70 arrived today, I had all plans on putting it in my 89 slick but after placing it in the cowl and trying plan things out in my head this would be nothing short of a PITA to baffle and not worry about cooling issues, Plus I dont see where any one else has run a 70 on an 89 to steal ideas from so Im thinking about plan B, Put the 70 in my 91 yak to replace the dle 61, and just stick the DLE back in the 89 where it was originally before its crash LOL.


70cc twin V2
Is anybody using a da 70 on a 3dhs yak 55? Im putting one of those together thats been hanging out in my attic for the past year and have everything but engine and servo arms. Im hoping to catch a black friday sale somewhere and pick one of these up. Just curious if anybody knew what was required for standoff length and if it fit the cowl without plugs interfering.

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640cc Uber Pimp
You must have short winters. At the speed you build planes, that thing will be done in a day or two. What would you do the rest of the winter?

70cc ARF is like a long weekend project, so I'm saving it. I've got a couple of Vipers to build (one for me and one for a friend) as well as a couple of scratch build projects and a tip to tail clean out and re-setup of my PAU 123" Extra. All radio equipment and fuel system getting yanked and new going in.
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Is anybody using a da 70 on a 3dhs yak 55? Im putting one of those together thats been hanging out in my attic for the past year and have everything but engine and servo arms. Im hoping to catch a black friday sale somewhere and pick one of these up. Just curious if anybody knew what was required for standoff length and if it fit the cowl without plugs interfering.

Sent from my SM-G860P using Tapatalk

I used an EME70 on my 3dhs 91" Yak because it was narrower due to having angled plugs. I didn't think the DA70 would fit without cutting cowl relief holes on the plugs, but I was wrong. Went to a fly-in this summer and saw a 91" Yak there with a DA70 in it. Fit just fine. I do recommend cutting some extra holes in the cowl to allow for extra airflow. I originally didn't baffle mine, and had it overheat and shut down. I was also a tad lean, which didn't help. Since then I added telemetry, and baffled. And redid the baffling several times. Each got a bit better, but overall it was still running a bit hotter than I liked. After going to that fly-in and seeing how the other one with the DA70 was cut on the cowl I did the same to my cowl and dropped the temps about 20 degrees. Definitely worth doing. Just added extra air over the cylinder head.
Couldn't tell you what standoff length was required for the DA, with the EME I used the stock motor standoffs and they worked perfectly.
Here is a pic of the latest cuts on my cowl, the ovals to the sides of the main opening.


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70cc twin V2
Nice. I was planning to close off the front of the cowl and baffle as well. I was going to just use some light ply and paint it but that cover looks nice, did you make that or buy it? I was going to do something like this from my yak in the avatar.


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