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IMAC Dalton 300 ml build thread.

The wings are now sheeted. Time to glue on the LE and TE, then sand it down and set the incidence.

I have weighed the wings, each wing is now weighing 2.5 pounds.
leading edge is on now....

Wings are ready for incidence. I will set the incidence at "0.0" degrees.

The right wing weighs 40 ounces and the left wing weighs 41 ounces.

Unable to do the incidence today. It has been raining non stop today.

I did cut out the servo box on the bottom of both wings and I also cored out the foam for the lead tunnel, then i glued in the servo boxes.

One step closer. Now, just get the incidence, cut out 1" foam from wings to separate the ailerons, then glue on the 1/2" balsa on both sides of the hinge, bevel, hinge, then cover.


70cc twin V2
I can't believe you lost so many servos. You were in a slow, gentle, right turn and the plane hit the small springy limbs without much force. Dang, just bad luck I guess.
Here are some pictures from today's work. My wife helped me, so now, it is time to cut out the ailerons., glue on the LE and TE to the hinge line, then hinge and then bevel, then cover!

dalton incidence.jpg


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Work has been crazy busy.
Have not had time to do much. I was hoping that by today, I could have been able to fly her. But no way!!
Well, the hard points for the control horns have been glued in. These are the Jtecs control horns. A bit expensive, but, I really liked the way that they have a much broader surface area to adhere to the balsa of aileron LE.

I used my dremel as a router to remove the exact thickness I would replace with the hard point. I used the block as a template, and I stayed within the lines, meaning, did not remove the colored mark. This left me with a very nice snug fit.


This is after glueing it in.

Control horn trial fitting. I like the way the holes line up perfectly with the hinge line! TOUCHDOWN!!!

Well, the final stretch!
All that is left now is to bevel the hinge line, and then do a final sanding/filling, then remove all the excess dust, and cover!!

I believe you all will like what I will do to these wings!! It will be a surprise. next picture will have wings covered on and on the airplane!
