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Even if you don't fly IMAC it's a great plane to fly... It's a 5 gallon bucket full of confidence. I stole that line from my friend Jasmine but it applies here.
I decided to sell my Dalton. I'm going to Downsize back to a 35% plane. This is your lucky day if your interested cause its a great flying plane.
Dalton 300 ML. DA170, MTW Cans. Falcon 32-10 prop. No Limitz spinner. PSP Water bottle Gas tank. McFueler Fuel Dot. Smart Fly EQ-6 Turbo with the pin switch. 2 4000 mAh Life batteries. IBEC. Hitec 7955 TG Servos... I have a Spectrum 9 channel receiver that can go with it if you can use it. $4,000 Turn Key.
I will split it up with the plane having to go first . $1,500
Plane minus the electronics $3,000
If you are interested. Send me a message and I'll give you my phone # and we can talk.
Pick up only.
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