Uh oh! Don't look now fellas. I have been talking to Petr Cita of Rotomotor. We've been discussing the Roto 130 FSI the last two days. What an awesome gent. He has emailed me back and forth and never seems to tire of all my many questions. So, it turns out that the 130 turns basically the same size prop as the 3w 110i r2cs. It weighs in at just shy of 3 pounds heavier than the dub twin. Not all that bad. 10.3 vs. 7.69 for the 110. I may have to add weight up front so it is best to make that weight useable instead of just dead weight right? I've also seen a few videos of how they have been set up. One gent swears that the rear cylinder never gets above 215 degrees. Now that is good to hear. I have also been toying with an onboard cooling system for the 110 if that is what is to be. At this time, it still is. But knowing me, it could change. LOL. As for price, $300.00 dollars more than the 110cs. That in itself is almost enough to pull the trigger. But the best of all the reasons, take a listen to this.
High speed pass with what looks to be a P40: (Going so freaking fast it is hard to tell)
An upside is the reviews I have found have been all positive. Though the Roto Motor is not as well known as say the Valach or Moki or even 3w for that matter. It definitely could be a feasible option.
I have plenty of time before I actually need an engine for the Behemoth Stang. I just don't want to get something and then later regret my decision.
I guess I just can't get past that "mean as hell" sound. I'm pretty certain I will stay with the 3w 110. Maybe for a future project? Like say, Oh I don't know.... A P40 with that mean sound could be cool. What do you guys think? Anyone out there have any experience with the Roto Motors? From all I can find, the company seems sound. Apparently they also build UAV for the military. Hmm....
What do you say fellas?