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IMAC Double Build, Carden Pro 124" Extra 300 40%


I like Titebond II because it is water resistant. Since I cut my own cores and they are always not as perfect as CNC cut cores, I have had trouble when the sheets were taped only and not glued in the area where the wire travels slowly near the wing tips. So I always glue them.
it has been raining here, pretty much non stop, for the past 5 days, and more rain, for the next 10 days. I will try to keep working on the skins. I want to make all 8. I will take some pictures to show where I am at. I am looking for the way Primo @ROLLERMAN did his.


640cc Uber Pimp
it has been raining here, pretty much non stop, for the past 5 days, and more rain, for the next 10 days. I will try to keep working on the skins. I want to make all 8. I will take some pictures to show where I am at. I am looking for the way Primo @ROLLERMAN did his.
How did he do them always interested because for me it is always big task to get all the skins edge glued and sanded down. Usually cannot breathe for the next couple of days and sneezing saw dust. Not pleasant.
OK, here we go. Days ago, I completed one of 8 wing skins. I am now using this one wing skin sheet, as a template to make the other 7. This first skin is slightly oversized. Right before I glue it on, I will cut it down so it is almost slightly bigger than the foam shuck.

This is made with a combo of ca and with white aliphatic glue.
I have a bag with fine wood dust. Also, when I used CA, I immediately poured the wood dust, to "dry" it, and then this was all sanded down smooth.

this is what I have done with that 1st wing skin.

Also, to anyone who is building one, the kit comes with 48" by 3" balsa sheets. There is a stack, bundled, that states : "wings".
I weighed these, and they weigh between 0.5 and 0.9 ounces each. There were only 2 that weighed 0.5 ounces.

The others balsa sheets all weigh under 0.4 ounces.

These heavier or more dense sheets should be used to skin the wing foams.

For the remainder, this is what I will do, and what I have done so far.

Using a 45 degree angle, I cut the ends off like this:


After this, i then obtained another sheet and cut it at 45 as well, then overlapped them, to sand them, with the edges aligned...



after this, I then placed them over a thin plastic film:


I then applied a thin bead of glue on the plastic film, and applied it to the edge of the 45 degrees



then I bring them together...


then it is taped, and allowed to cure for 24 hours....



  • IMG_1967.JPG
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this is a stack of 7 sheets, stacked, to make the wing skins, but only glued end to end.

Once these are cured, I will then have to use a straight edge, and a very sharp blade, to cut the sides, only one MM or so, to make sure the sides are straight and true. then glue them side to side with the aliphatic glue...




I can't take credit for the idea, but here's a sanding jig I made to true up the edges of balsa sheeting before gluing. It is a 3" aluminum channel with 1.5" legs and a 2"x 2" aluminum angle bolted to one of the channel legs. It has a piece of the sticky back sand paper on the back of the 2" angle the sticks up 1/2" above the channel. The pieces are 5 feet long so you can easily side a 48" piece of sheeting back and forth to sand a true edge. It has worked well for me other the years.
I like it!! that is what I need! Where do you live!
All kidding aside, ok, where can I get this aluminum?

thank you so much for this!


There are a number of metals vendors on the Internet that have this kind of material, but I suggest looking for a local vendor. Sometimes they will let you search through their "drops" inventory which are pieces left over after they custom cut lengths for customers. They usually sell it at a fairly good discount. You need a 3" channel with 1.41" legs that weighs 1.42 lbs. per ft. and a 2" x 2" x 3/16"angle. Both are structural shapes in 6061-T6 alloy.

Richmond, VA