Wing preparation:
1. place one wing on fuselage, and from opposite side, insert hot wire to enter the foam by 1 inch.
2. cut out the hard points for the wing root:
3. place the hard point on wing root, and mark the circle, so that the center of the hard point is in line with the center of the pilot hole. once you mark it, then cut out this round hole in the foam, 1 inch deep., then glue in the hard point. Once cured, sand flush with the root surface.
4. the kit comes with one piece of balsa, 48" long, 1/4" thick, and 4" wide. this one piece has two holes in it. cannot miss it. it is the only one in the kit. from this one piece, you will make the two root caps. Important to strategically place the wing, with the phenolic in place, and mark out where you will cut it out. I forgot to mention, each phenolic is out out the 18", and then cap the end with balsa and CA glue, then sand flush. This has already been done.
5. I then place this one piece on the wing and fuselage, to mark it out again:
6. I will then check to see, if there is good contact between the fuselage, the root cap, and the wing foam, and there is! then, I cut it further, and trial test it:
7. then again, back on the fuselage side:
8. here is the other side:
9. on to the phenolic, and the wing tube support, and the spar extension:
10. here is the end of the wing tube phenolic, there is a cut out in the foam, both top and bottom, with a perpendicular cut out and a parallel groove.
11. the tube support goes here:
12. then the extension
13. then I proceed to mark the excess:
and now time to go to work!
be back this evening to do some more.
You all have a great day.