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Extreme Flight Owners Thread


70cc twin V2
12 stitches and two pain killers later and...

I'm Number ONE!


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70cc twin V2
Yeah, I don't pinch. I put thumbs on top of stick and put ball of pointer on the side of stick, but I don't pinch. I actually flew all weekend with the silly bandage on!

Ask Jeff, he saw!
Yes Jeff,
I am glad you are safe as well. The 60" Laser was about 15' over my head and I got stuck in a flat spin. I was keenly aware that the plane was between myself and you which made my job even more harrowing. I finally got out of the spin at an altitude of about 1 foot and I stupidly hammered the throttle. The plane shot right up at my body and I deflected with my radio and right arm.

5 stitches in fore arm, 5 across back of hand, and two on my first finger middle knuckle.

I am very fortunate I was using a Xoar wooden prop and not APC!

OUCH! Heal up soon! :( That must've hurt.


When did you get a red one?

bahahaha :D

I am having alil problem tweaking mine on KE mixing. I have it perfect for slow and point rolls but when I try to do HAKE, especially slower, the coupling is in the opposite direction than original. Its actually pretty bad.