Curious on the snap commend, specifically the full aileron.. Isn't a snap supposed to be primarily initiated with elevator and rudder, the roll should be induced by stalling one wing.. No?
Not that I'm one to talk because my snaps are rubbish!
So, purist would argue (this is a huge contention in IMAC) that a "true" snap or spin is elevator to stall and rudder to induce auto rotation. It simply is not possible with most 3D models. They will just "mush" into an elevator. You have to "cheat" them into it.
Hope that helps.
Thanks, that really does help a lot and explains why my snaps are so inconstant.. I'm trying to do them 'old school' with elevator and rudder only.. occasional it works.
As you say, in pattern flying if you used aileron you would most likely get zero points for 'cheating'. I cant help with agreeing though because a genuine snap really is meant to be a stalled maneuver, as you say, just like a spin.
I am still realatively new to the hobby and have not competed anywhere on any level (although I want to start in the next year or two) so my opinion is sure to change as I dive deeper but it seems to me like whatever makes the snap look awesome is what you should do regardless of what is traditional in scale flying.